Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I never thought I would see the day when this one would work at Redcloud.
And don't mention that part to her....

But here she is in all her cuteness!
She is going to kill me for putting this pic up.....

...so please direct your attention to the crazy beast located above.

Zeke doesn't really like Tori, as you can tell from these photos.

But Dannon and I told him to get over it 'cause we're keepin' her! 

Winter Nights

As you know, things tend to be kinda quiet around here in the winter.
We've learned to soak up the time like we soak up the heat from our fireplace.

Here we are all taking personality tests. Zeke was not into all the introspection.

Tori is enthusiastically churning our snow ice cream. 
You can only look that excited about something so simple during the winter months.

Knitting, conquering the crayon game, and encouraging Zeke to break the rules...
All while solving the problems of the world, of course.

Balloon Fest! ...two balloons

Valentine's Day with the Family

So Dannon was a smarty this year and decided we should go out for V-day early 
and avoid the crowds...in Gunnison.
I don't know if Gunnison has crowds, but if they do, you better believe we missed them.

(P.S. I have the cutest boy ever. That's all.)

Anyway...this left Valentine's day evening open to hang out with some sweet ladies.

Shrimp and Grits followed by chocolate covered strawberries and homemade donuts,
all on the floor by the fire.

This pretty much sums up how Zeke feels about Tori...

and Amy... 

One chic-flic and lots of sugar later we called it a night! 

Sleep Over with Karis

We finally got to have our sleep over with Karis! 
What a great girl. We had a blast! 

Not sure why my face looks a little weird...

So, Karis is queen of all things domestic including, but not limited to, goats. 
Have you ever seen anyone look so beautiful milking a goat?
 I didn't think so.

This is Ritzy. She was very patient with us newbies.
Oh, and a confession. I spilled the milk. Yep.

Lastly, I have to include that I gained some "domestic" points by buying some farm-fresh eggs..
from the lady who owns the "paint your own pottery" place. 
I'm not really sure how that happened, but I was enamored, it might of had something to do with all the goat milking and pottery painting, I got a little carried away.

But really, aren't they lovely?