Monday, January 10, 2011

Bathroom Destruction

Dannon has been faithfully destroying our bathroom on any available Saturday, Sunday, get the idea. And he has been quite successful so far.

Sink- gone
Tub - gone
Hole in the wall - check!
Ceiling - removed

Now the reason for the destruction is that it was long overdue. We are installing a new sink, new tub, ceiling vent and heater, redoing the floor, removing black mold from walls and repainting, and resetting the medicine cabinet into the wall. I really shouldn't say "we". Dannon is the one working quite diligently on the project. However, I couldn't help but snapping a few photos of the removal of the tub on Saturday.

We had often noticed a strange smell when the bathroom got steamed up from the shower. We had written it off as the wood paneling getting damp. This was probably part of the problem, but what we found under the tub was more than likely the culprit.

Dog Food! Apparently a pack rat had been storing dog food and pieces of insulation under the tub for a
l o n g time. The guys found a piece of calendar from 1969! Dannon filled a 50 gallon trash can with the stuff. He was literally scooping it out with a snow shovel! So that might have been part of the smell...

Glad to have that out of the house!

We thought it was only in the edge of the tub...
Then they pulled it out...

And this is what we were left with! 

P a t i e n c e

A look at the true heart of the puppy. Seek and Destroy

So, Zeke has grown. And when I say grown, I mean that he has doubled in size, energy and ferocity. Ok, maybe ferocity is a little dramatic.

We have started to learn puppy language in hopes that we can curb Zeke's tendency to gnaw on hands and clothes and other undesirable mediums. Supposedly, upon receiving an undesirable chomp, I am to yelp "Ow" like a puppy, and get up and leave the room. (I haven't quite come to grips with doing this in public...a little humiliating) Hopefully this action communicates that I am done with the game and it is not fun. 

I have been leaving the room...a lot.

Zeke, has gotten fed up as well and retired with a huff to his kennel. But just moments ago he tiptoed out and laid down on my slippered foot without as much as a nibble. There is hope on our little puppy horizon! 

The boys relax after a walk of record length