I don't understand how God works. I don't understand how he takes a broken world and infinitely broken people and makes lovely things. But nevertheless, there lie the beautiful things right among the broken.
The problem is that the broken still exists. And the broken can grab and pull and steal the glory if you let it. It can instill fear and cast shadows and one may begin to think it has the upper hand. But the sweet truth is that we were made to see beauty; to dwell with Beauty Himself. And we must not lose sight of Him. For the Beauty, Love, and Life that is Him wins. Redemption wins.
So I refuse to let fear seep into my heart. I refuse to let the twisted world distort my perspective. Redemption will be my song. And the Redeemer will be my defender. So sing my friends. Let the broken highlight the lovely and redeemed. See the beauty that He has brought us; His very Kingdom dwells with us.
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.
Psalm 27:13-14